



Sometimes you are out of gas and other times you are speeding through.
You stop for a second to see that you are so far from your starting point

Others have been on similar adventures and have wisdom, experiences, and stories to 分享. Join us in this semester’s speaker series to hear how some 阀杆 professionals 是已经完成,还是继续努力,在自己的旅途上.



Dr. 科恩 is a native San Franciscan who earned her associate's degree from City College of 旧金山和她的B.S. 从霍华德大学获得生物学学位.  2010年,她赚到了钱 her doctorate in biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology from the Johns Hopkins 大学医学院.  Dr. 科恩热衷于改变刻板印象 阀杆专业人士形象.  有阀杆教育的第一手经验 pipeline, she understands the challenges and resources needed; she has devoted her career to creating inclusive communities for people of color to feel welcomed, respected, 并支持他们充分发挥潜力.  不是你那种刻板的科学怪人, Dr. 科恩 is a vibrant advocate with a unique talent for generating synergy.



Dr. Johanna Rengifo is currently a neuropsychology postdoctoral fellow at UCSF / Zuckerberg San Francisco 综合医院. 她在夏博大学完成了低年级的本科课程 在转到加州大学伯克利分校之前,她获得了B.A. 在心理学中. 她完成了博士学位。.D. 帕洛阿尔托大学临床心理学博士. 她是第二位 一代的美籍哥伦比亚.

Dr. Neftali Nevarez is currently in his first year as a rheumatologist at Sutter East Bay Medical Group 在伯克利. 他出生并成长在加州的康科德,后来辗转于全国各地 他的B.A. 获得布朗大学人类生物学硕士学位.D. 在西奈山 纽约的医学院. 他是第二代墨西哥裔美国人.

They were both raised in the SF Bay Area and are both first in their immediate families 去读研究生. 他们结婚11年了,在一起14年了 你有个6岁的女儿叫安德里亚.


加芙C. 莫萨莉,博士 is the Program Director for the Motivating INformed Decisions (MIND) Program at UCSF. Gabriela manages the development, execution, and evaluation of the MIND Program, which is an NIH-funded research study that assesses the effectiveness of early career exploration 生物医学博士. Ultimately, the goal of the MIND program is to transform institutional training, so that PhDs leave their training better equipped to enter diverse career trajectories that will enable them to solve the complex scientific problems of the 未来. Previously, she was a Damon Runyon Robert Black and UC Office of the President 加州大学旧金山分校博士后. 她获得了博士学位.D. 加州大学洛杉矶分校生物化学专业 在此期间,她同时是福特和美国国家科学基金会的博士前研究员. 她热衷于 the mentorship of biomedical trainees, and for the advancement and advocacy for underrepresented 阀杆组. 




Robert was born in San Mateo, raised in Hayward, and attended Hayward Schools from kindergarten through high 学校; he graduated from Hayward High School in 2011 and 真的是海沃德的产物吗. 罗伯特目前正在攻读学士学位 圣何塞州立大学航空学专业. 在他的学术道路上,罗伯特也 had the opportunity to intern at the NASA Ames Research Center, most recently Robert 参与过Google [X]项目吗. 从圣何塞州立大学毕业后 他计划攻读航空航天工程硕士学位.






你是否曾经在一道数学题上花了很长时间,以至于想哭? 你曾经 felt that you for sure would not be able to grasp a concept and needed to change your 整个生命计划? 当你在课堂上被老师叫出来的时候,你有没有说错 instructor, and you felt embarrassed and wanted to leave and never return again? 有 you felt that you had a hundred voices in your head telling you that you should give up, move on, find something else to do because of that D you got on your math class? 你永远不适合这个专业? 你会继续向下 没有地方让你的两只脚着地的斜坡? 你知道失败是什么感觉吗??


We also know that failure now doesn’t have to mean failure for the rest of your life. This fall, we are bringing in speakers in a four part event called Fail. 来听 professionals in 阀杆 speak about times they failed and how they coped, regrouped, 他们克服了对失败的恐惧,度过了余生.



Dr. 莉莉安娜·德拉巴斯

Dr. 莉莉安娜·德拉巴斯 is a chemical engineer who works as a research scientist at Gilead Sciences, a pharmaceutical 开发治疗方法以解决未满足的医疗需求的公司. 作为一名本科生 at UC Berkeley, her advisers recommended Liliana pursue options other than graduate 学校. Despite being discouraged and the obstacles along the way, Liliana persevered and went on to be the first Latina to complete a PhD in chemical engineering at Stanford.






When health problems caused Diane to drop out of college, she pursued a full-time 从事人力资源管理的职业. 几年后,脑部手术使她失去了生命 disability unable to work full-time, so she tried being an entrepreneur. 黛安娜失败 at four different business ventures, but learned something new after each one and is now the Founder and CEO of DMMSI, a successful 阀杆 Education Corporation.






亚伦霍布森 began college at Northwestern University under a full ride scholarship through the 盖茨千年学者计划. 他第一年学得很好,几乎没睡 every night in the library studying and getting A’s in almost all his classes (he 得了一个A-). He never believed he was “smart”, hence his steadfast dedication to working 努力证明自己. 他大二那年一切都崩溃了. 严重的 anxiety got the best of him, and he was soon hospitalized for suicidal ideation. A little over a decade later, and you find Aaron holding two Master’s degrees, married with two children, owning a home, and enjoying his work as a computer science educator. Aaron might appear “successful”, but his path in life has been, and continues to be, 充满个人挣扎.






盖伯瑞尔查 is originally from the raisin-making heat of the San Joaquin Valley, born in the 加州桑格小镇. 九岁时,他搬到联合城,就读于塞尔斯大学 Elementary before moving to Hayward 学校s where he became a proud graduate of Strobridge, 布雷特·哈特,海沃德高中,和加州州立大学,海沃德. 带着一个单身汉 degree in Physics (and a minor in music) Gabriel worked in various fields including 音响安装,无线电工程,废水处理. 直到 his first experience as a substitute teacher that Gabriel found his true calling in 教育. Soon after this epiphany Gabriel was invited to teach Chemistry, Physics, and Leadership at his alma mater, Hayward High School. 这是他执教的第四年 Gabriel was accepted into an Educational Administration master’s program at the University 太平洋的. After his master’s degree, Gabriel set his sights on Claremont Graduate 去大学攻读高等教育博士学位. 在过去的五年里,他做到了 been chipping away at this goal, and looks forward to one day bringing honor to his 成为Chaparro家族第一个获得“博士”头衔的人.”
